Lying Spinal Twist


Eka Pada Jathara Parivarttanasana

Translation: One Leg Revolved Belly Pose

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From a supine position (lying on your back) take the knees up to the chest and then to the side of the body. (Ardha Jathara Parivarttanasana ).

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Then extend the upper leg sideways and the other leg down.

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This is a really beneficial yoga posture for spinal alignment. When performed correctly the shoulders get stretched, the top of the quadriceps get stretched in the leg that extends down, and the hamstrings and the calf muscles are stretched in the leg that extends sideways.
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The twisting motion is designed to increase lateral rotation and flexion in the spine.Anterior shoulder muscles are stretched and the mid part of the pectoral muscles gain flexibility. Lower back muscles gain flexibility along with little muscles, ligaments and tendons involved in spinal rotation. Hip extensors and flexors are also stretched along with hamstrings making this pose a wonderful overall stretch.

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There are 5 major directions of force. Through both arms sideways, through the top of the head, through the leg that is down and through the extended leg sideways. The body will eventually find perfection if you allow the forces to gently move in all these directions. white space

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Vinyasa Yoga postures to transition from and to:
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Half Revolved Belly Pose fish pose matsyasana cobra pose Bhujangasana  bridge on the head Yoga Posture Samabhasana cobra pose Bhujangasana cobra pose Bhujangasana Yoga Positions yoga position asana handstand scorpion

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Ardha Jathara Parivarttanasana Matsyasana Matsyasana Bridge On The head Setu Bandha Sirsasana Urdhva Dhanurasana Setubandhasana Eka Pada Setubandhasana Halasana Yoganidrasana


Yoga Teacher Tips
These lying spinal twists are excellent postures. Do them in classes at the end of a practice and at varying times throughout the practice.

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“Lying spinal twists are and excellent way to break up a back bend sequence. Many beginner practitioners fatigue after just a few back bends sequenced together. This way a continuity in flow can be achieved.”



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