Parsva Dandasana or Vasisthasana
Translation: Parsva Dandasana = Side Staff Pose
Vasisthasana = Name Of A Sage
Enter this pose from Downward Facing Staff pose. Rotate the body and align the hips and shoulders vertically. Use the top legs foot to stabilize the pose and point the other foot.
Placing the foot on the mat is essential in this pose. Quite often it is done with the feet together like in Tadasana (shown in the pictures
below). Placing one foot flat on the mat provides stabilization in this posture and is good for this reason but it also creates a bow energy that runs up the outer edge of the hip. It allows weight and force to be shifted on the palm of the hand so that it is more evenly distributed and lessens the forces moving downward on the hand reducing the pressure on the wrist.
Another of the arm strengtheners this pose also tones the shoulders and other major muscles such as the serratus anterior, the trapezius, rhomboids and levator scapulae, deltoids muscles, the scapular muscles and rotator cuffs which is made up of four muscles the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis,and teres minor. This pose increases strength, balance and stability by developing many arm muscles, including the tricep, biceps and many muscles in the forearms. The shoulder muscles are strengthened and also muscles in the chest. These are pectoralis major in the chest and lower down in the torso the abdominal muscles.
Pelvic muscles are also strengthened when the tailbone is tucked in to prevent lordosis inward curve of the lumbar spine.
Below you can see 2 easier variations. In one the foot is flat on the mat pointed outwards. The other knee is on the mat supporting. There is a slight curve on the body. (This is intentional. Observe how the weight and force falls upon the wrist more evenly. Quite often an equal length along the sides of the torso is encouraged.)
Vinyasa Yoga Sequencing and Flowing
Vinyasa Yoga postures to transition from and to:
Adho Mukha Dandasana, Chaturanga Dandasana, Astangasana, Salabhasana, Bhujangasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Eka Pada Adho Muka Svanasana, Cat Flow Balasana