Sun Worship Yoga Flows

Sun Salutation Tribute

Surya Namaskara Sun Salutation Tips

Surya Namaskara is Sanskrit for Sun Salutation or Sun Salute. A sequence of exercises in honor of the the rising Sun.

Drop Down Head to Knee

This yoga flow demonstrates lateral standing poses blended with a seated forward bend.

Total Duration: 00:35

No 01

Triangles Down to Knee

This yoga flow demonstrates lateral standing poses with a spinal twist blended in.

Total Duration: 01:52

No 02

Warrior 2 Bow Down

This yoga flow demonstrates a flow into Warrior 2 pose blended with a standing forward bend.

Total Duration: 01:38

No 03

Side Flow

Shows a simple lateral flow that helps to balance the spine before performing a more vigorous practice.

Total Duration: 01:10

No 04

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Warrior 2 Side Flow

This flow demonstrates how you can flow in and out of 2 yoga poses. The poses are Warrior 2 and Extended Side angle.

Total Duration: 02:17

No 05

3 Triangle Flow

Demonstrates how you can use the same pose many times in a flow. The Pose that is repeated is the Triangle pose.

Total Duration: 02:07

No 06

Lateral Flow to Knee

A well blended lateral flow that moves through Extended Side angle twice with Warrrior 2 pose and Crescent Moon pose.

Total Duration: 01:18

No 07

Triangle Warrior Support

Triangle pose occurs before and after Warrior 1 and Warrior 2 sealing it and giving a nice entrance and exit.

Total Duration: 01:37

No 08

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Side Angle Salute

This Sun Salutation has a nice rocking flow into 2 variations of Cobra pose. It also only blends into Extended Side Angle Pose.

Total Duration: 01:11

No 09

Warrior 1 Salute

Sun Salutation has a nice rocking flow into 2 variations of Cobra pose and a back toner (locust pose). It also only blends into Warrior 1 Pose.

Total Duration: 01:19

No 10

Warrior 2 Low Flow

This yoga flow demonstrates a quick flow into Warrior 2 pose.

Total Duration: 01:03

No 11

Deep Lateral Flow to Lunge

This yoga flow demonstrates lateral standing poses and holding Cobra pose.

Total Duration: 01:39

No 12

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Warrior 2 Inside Triangles

This yoga flow demonstrates a flow into triangle poses with Warrior 2 inbetween.

Total Duration: 02:54

No 13

Warriors Inside Triangles

Shows a simple way to blend both Warrior poses with Triangle pose.

Total Duration: 01:29

No 14

Warriors Blended Lateral

This flow demonstrates how you can flow in and out of the Warrior poses with lateral standing poses.

Total Duration: 03:25

No 15

Lunge Lateral Flow

Demonstrates flow for hamstring flexibility and also lateral flow from Triangle pose to Warrior 2.

Total Duration: 04:29

No 16

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FreeHand Pigeon Bow

FreeHand Pigeon Bow

Duration: 01:10

No 17

Crooked 8 Limb Hips

A blend of hip openers and arm balance poses make this an interesting flow.

Total Duration: 03:58

No 18

Lateral Warrior 2 Double Blend

Warrior 2 is used twice to split up the other lateral poses that are performed.

Total Duration: 02:58

No 19

Side Winding into Warrior 1

Sun Salutation into a standing side stretch then twists into a standing spinal twist before unwinding into Warrior 1.

Total Duration: 02:45

No 20

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Seated Bow Vinyasa

Shows an advanced headstand flow.

Duration: 11:02

No 21

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Headstand Vinyasa

Shows an advanced headstand flow.

Duration: 01:48

No 22

Headstand Leg Circles

Shows a blend of movements designed to free energy in the hips then blends into an arm balance.

Total Duration: 01:23

No 23

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Scorpion Vinyasa

Shows a quick transition into the Headstand then into the Scorpion pose.

Duration: 00:42

No 24

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Shoulderstands Vinyasa

Shows an advanced Side Shoulderstand Flow.

Duration: 01:10

No 25