Home Yoga Practice
This sequence stretches and strenghtens many parts of the body. For instance One Leg Downward Dog pose stretches all along the leg thats down and strengthens the leg and gluteal muscles of the raised leg. The arms are also strengthened.

Printable Home Yoga sequence link
Hold Downward Dog pose for up to 5 breaths then inhale forward to Plank pose for about 3 breaths.
Exhale down to 8 limb pose for 5 breaths then inhale back up to Plank pose for 3 breaths.
Exhale back to One Leg Donward Dog pose for up to 5 breaths then inhale forward to Plank pose holding for up to 3 breaths.
Exhale down to for 5 breaths then inhale back up to Cobra pose holding for up to 5 breaths.
Exhale back to Downward Dog pose and Repeat the sequence this time raising the opposite leg in One Leg Downward Dog.
Hold for 5 breaths.
Flow Breathing
1. Exhale into Downward Dog pose.
2. Inhale forward to plank pose.
3. Exhale down into Eight Limb Pose.
4. Inhale up to Plank pose.
5. Exhale into One leg Downeard Dog pose.
6. Inhale forward to Plank Pose.
7. Exhale down into Eight Limb Pose.
8. Inhale up to Cobra Pose.