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yoga fitness

This yoga fitness flow can be used in a Sun Salutation or it can be repeated a number of times each time coming back to Downward Dog pose and then switching the opposite way.

Most yoga practitioners will be tempted to do a backbend such as Cobra pose or Upward Facing Dog pose during the push up phase where you come down to 4 Limb pose. This is an option but in order to keep the spine healthy and not cause repetitive injuries in the low back discs or ligaments it is recomended that you enter these backbend poses after 3 or 4 flows with the push ups alone if you must enter them.

The fast motions into these bacbends increase the chance of injury and entering them many times on a regular basis aways causes a dull ache in the lower back ligaments. It's not so bad if you only do yoga once or twice a week.

Here is the instructions for the yoga fitness flow.

Exhale into Downward Dog

Inhale into Plank Pose.

Exhale Down to Eight Limb Pose.

Inhale back up to Plank Pose.

Exhale back to One Leg Downward Dog pose. Left leg up and back.

Inhale and step the left leg forward in a Lunge pose.

Exhale and twist in the lunge pose raising the left arm up.

Inhale and unwind into a Raised lunge pose which is also known as another version of Warrior 1 pose. It is a little better for you than the deep version of Warrior 1.

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yoga fitness poses

yoga fitness

yoga fitness exercise

A yoga fitness sequence for arm strength and lateral flexibility. Sequence also stretches the hamstrings, calf muscles and quadriceps strength.
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tone thighs

This yoga fitness flow begins in the Triangle pose. This pose can be held to open your hamstrings and open the lateral muscles. The back leg is then hopped forward a little to make the transition into the Half moon pose easier.
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hips and abdominals
This yoga fitness flow works out the thighs because of the repetitive transitions into Half moon pose. There is also a number of spinal alignment moves combined with core strengthening.
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yoga fitness poses

This yoga fitness sequence combines arm strengthening poses with 2 standing spinal twists. Many of the leg and hip muscles are also stretched. The hamstrings and calf muscles are lengthened and the hip muscles are stretched.
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yoga fitness postures

This sequence helps core yoga fitness. Flow through the Boat pose a number of times while rocking on the spine. Try different positions with the legs to tone different muscles. You can also bend the knees for an easier flow.
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This yoga fitness flow is a beautiful combination of lateral standing poses that flow well together and strengthen the quadriceps while stretching the hamstrings.
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lateral yoga fitness


This yoga fitness flow begins in the Triangle pose. This pose can be held to open your hamstrings and open the lateral muscles.
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yoga fitness positions


This sequence helps core yoga fitness. Flow through the Boat pose a number of times while rocking on the spine. Try different positions with the legs to tone different muscles. You can also bend the knees for an easier flow.
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lateral yoga fitness
Plenty of arm yoga positions make this yoga fitness sequences strengthen the arms as well as working the legs well.
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lateral yoga fitness

Plenty of arm yoga positions make this yoga fitness sequences strengthen the arms as well as working the legs well.
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yoga positions


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