Yoga Teacher Training

Based On the Yoga Sutras Of Patanjali
and the work of master B.K.S Iyengar.

Course Sessions

Session 1

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------
yoga sutras
On Surrender.
Yoga Sutra 1-23
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Introduction to Yoga
Starts with Yoga Meditation Technique
based on the Sutras.

This is a nice meditation with flowing postures so that
you can hold the seated posture and meditate for longer.

The reason for this sequence is to show students
that real yoga is in their reach.

Students are then given a overview of the course.

What it is to be a Yoga Teacher.
Psychology of what is ahead.

6 Hours

Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics (1 hours)
Techniques Training/Practice (5 hours)

Written Assignments:
Yoga Philosophy  - Yama, Niyama 30 day Journal (20 hours).

Session 2

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------
yoga sutras
A peaceful tranquility surfaces when we encourage joy, happiness 
and virtue. Detach from pain, sorrow, vice and suffering.

Yoga Sutra 1-33

yoga sutras
After exhalation, during the stillness before inhalation, 
there is calmness. This can remove distractions.
Yoga Sutra 1-34 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle
The study of yoga philosophies with the 8 limbs of yoga. Includes homework reports in relation to how the various elements of the eight limbs are being practiced in daily life.

Teaching Techniques
An in-depth look at many of the aspects of teaching a high
quality yoga class. Teachers get a chance to practice

fundamentals of teaching yoga before being filmed.


Teaching Methodology
Based on improving demonstration abilities.

Meditation Techniques

This is a nice meditation on removing anxiety.
Reflecting on Savasana the Corpse Pose.

6 Hours

Techniques Training/Practice (3 hours)

Yoga Philosophy (1 hours)
Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)

Anatomy and Physiology (1 hours)

Written Assignments:
Teaching Methodology - Teaching Techniques (1 hour).

Applying anatomy and physiology principles to yoga.

Anatomy and Physiology (1 hour)

Session 3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------
yoga sutras Or by unifying the mind with an object.
Yoga Sutra 1-35 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Or by removing all sorrow and meditating on a shining
state of illumination within.
Yoga Sutra 1-36 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

High Quality Expectation of a yoga teacher
discussed before first teaching attempt.

Filming Review
Teachers are filmed for the first time.
This is a cutting edge method of improving teaching
skills and studies have shown it to be one of the most
effevtive way to improve teaching skills.


6 Hours

Practicum receiving feedback, observing others (5 hours)
Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)


Written Assignments: Evaluation of Video 1 Taped Classes (2 hour)
*Practicum   (non contact 5)

Session 4

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------
yoga sutras
Or by contemplating sages.
Yoga Sutra 1-37 Audio mp3
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Proper Alignment
Yoga Postures - History of Yoga Alignment Section dedicated to B.K.S Iyengar. Yoga positions known as Asana are an ancient part of spiritual worship in the art of yoga. It is a way of spiritual practice involving the mind body and soul.

Teachers should know and be able to demonstrate
properly aligned yoga postures. This class is dedicated
to a more perfect alignment when performing poses.

Methods of Choreography

Structured methods of choreography are usually intertwined with the freestyle methods of choreography. Choreography means the way the sequence and the patterns it moves in. structured methods used movements that have been predetermined in patterns and flows postures and exercises.

Choreography - Class Design


Pranayama the ancient art of breathing Ujjayi and Kapalabhati.

6 Hours

Techniques Training/Practice (6 hours)

Session 5

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

yoga sutras
Or by meditating upon something of our liking that is in
harmony with the path.

Yoga Sutra 1-39 Audio mp3
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques
The Art Of Cueing a yoga class - Properly guiding practitioners though various yoga poses is quite and art  and can always be improved. Commands that are spoken should be accurate  in reflection to the motion and actions being performed. Analytical training in how to teach.

Class Objectives

Class object's is a large subject. It can cover of gross aspects of teaching and yoga class or subtle ones. Here is examples of class objectives in a carefully balanced class. Class Objectives


Proper Alignment
Proper alignment is discussed.


6 Hours

Techniques Training/Practice (4 hours)
Anatomy and Physiology (2 hours)

Session 6

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------
yoga sutras
When controlling fluctuations is mastered the seer becomes one with the seen. The seen is  known and shines forth through the seer like the suns reflection on a flawless crystal. 
Yoga Sutra 1-41 Audio mp3
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques

Teaching Milti-Level Yoga Classes - Practitioners fall into simple categories of beginner, intermediate and advanced. Many times they can all be in your class at the same time. This presentation allows you to teach them all.

Motivation and from Adherence
- Motivating practitioners and encouraging them to return is fundamental to increasing the size of classes and the progress of participants. Combine the latest research, proven sound techniques and practitioner's needs to design the most effective cutting edge yoga class. Qualities of a teacher for motivating practitioners.


Pranayama the ancient art of breathing Ujjayi pranayama
and Uddiyana Bandha.

6 Hours

Techniques Training/Practice (3 hours)
Anatomy and Physiology (1 hours)
Teaching Methodology (2 Hours)

Session 7 - Chakra Flow

This weekend deal with the deeper aspects of yoga such as
pranayama and meditation along with special chakra practices
to balance your energy body. An interesting day that will forever change
the way you think about the practice of yoga.

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Meditation removes these disturbances.
Yoga Sutra 2-11 Audio mp3

These seven aspects are self restraint, universal laws, sacred posture, regulation of breath, control and restraint of the senses, concentration and meditation. With their practice comes the eighth aspect of Yoga. This is a state of being absolutely absorbed in the source of life.

Yoga Sutra 2-29 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques

Pranayama breathing techniques.
Meditation asana to compliment seated posture.
Chakra meditation flow with asana.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.


6 Hours

Techniques Training/Practice (3 hours)
Teaching Methodology (3 Hours)

Session 8 - Alignment Workshop

November Sunday 21st
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

It may be possible to see the cause of suffering, but the karma 
may also be hidden, unrelated to time and the life being experienced.
Yoga Sutra 2-12 Audio mp3

We experience joy or suffering and vice or virtue as a result of Karma
Yoga Sutra 2-14 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

The Essence Of Alignment
These fundamentals originated from the great teaching of Sri T. Krishnamacharya manifesting in a truly splendid expression
through B.K.S Iyengar.

Iyengar in his 75th birthday teachings mentioned fundamentals that stem from Tadasana (the Mountain Pose) and hinted at the ability to attain ultimate states in the Yoga poses. These were states of samadhi. In the practice of Yoga this is an experience where the practitioner becomes merged and absorbed in the essence of life. 


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.

6 Hours

Techniques Training/Practice (5 hours)
Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)

Session 9

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------
With awareness and wisdom of thought discrimination, rising impressions 
of distress, pain and suffering can suppressed before they manifest.
Yoga Sutra 2-15 Audio mp3

With this mastered one then begins vital breath exercise to control energy flow. Retentions and motions of inhalations and exhalations are involved. 
Yoga Sutra 2-49 Audio mp3

The 3 parts: inhalation, exhalation and the retentions are 
observed, the time is measured, and carefully lengthened. 
Yoga Sutra 2-50 Audio mp3

Breath becomes stable, rhythmic and natural.
Yoga Sutra 2-51 Audio mp3

Then that which covers the light is destroyed.

Yoga Sutra 2-52 Audio mp3
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques

Asanas, alignment and anatomy, Teaching fundamentals,
pranayama and meditation.

---------------- Break ---------------

Safe adjustments. A class dedicated in presenting
some of the best yoga adjustments on the market.

Yoga Philosophy

Qualities of the 8 Limbs in our daily life. Changes, impact and integration.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.

6 Hours

Techniques Training/Practice (4 hours)
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle (1 hours)

Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)

Session 10

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Then future suffering can also be prevented.
Yoga Sutra 2-16 Audio mp3

In the practice of the first aspect the following is considered. Non-violence, 
honesty, non-stealing, celibacy, study of scripture and not possessing or 
consuming that which is unnecessary. These are universal laws.s
Yoga Sutra 2-30 Audio mp3

The second aspect is Niyama. This is Cleanliness and purity, contentment, 
deep spiritual faith, spiritual practice and surrender to god.

Yoga Sutra 2-32 Audio mp3
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Yoga Philosophy

Qualities of the 8 Limbs in our daily life. Changes, impact and integration.

Teaching Techniques
Asanas, alignment and anatomy, Teaching fundamentals,
pranayama and meditation.

Break ---------------

Teaching Methodology

Qualities of a teacher, improving awareness of these qualities.

Chakra Meditation
Chakra meditation flow demonstrates how to move through the
Chakras with visualization techniques.

6 Hours

Techniques Training/Practice (4 hours)
Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle (1 hours)
Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)

Session 11

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Pain comes from the inability to separate true self from the illusory self.
Yoga Sutra 2-17 Audio mp3
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques
Asanas, alignment and anatomy, Teaching fundamentals,
pranayama and meditation.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.

6 Hours

Anatomy and Physiology (1 hours)
Techniques Training/Practice (4 hours)

Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)

Written Assignments:
Teaching Methodology - Teaching Techniques (1 hour).

Applying anatomy and physiology principles to yoga.

Anatomy and Physiology (2 hour)

Session 12

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------
The need for pleasures and the source of suffering comes from identifying with  that which is impure and not eternal. True self is pure and eternal.
Yoga Sutra 2-5 Audio mp3

Pleasure is seductive and causes deep attachments.
Yoga Sutra 2-7 Audio mp3

Hatred and resentment are related to fear and suffering. 
Yoga Sutra 2-8 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Focus - Teaching Techniques
Teaches philosophy and practice of teacher qualities.

Filming Review

Teachers are filmed for the second time.

6 Hours
Practicum receiving feedback, observing others (5 hours)
Techniques Training/Practice (1 hours)


Written Assignments: Evaluation of Video 2 Taped Classes (2 hour)
*Practicum   (non contact 5)

Session 13

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Even the wise and spiritually progressed have attachment to life.
Yoga Sutra 2-9 Audio mp3

The ability to perceive ones true self manifests further when the senses are controlled and the mind and consciousness reach purity. The practitioner becomes filled with joy.

Yoga Sutra 2-41 Audio mp3
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques
Asanas, alignment and anatomy, Teaching fundamentals,
pranayama and meditation.

Teaching Methodology

Various forms of the business aspects of teaching yoga.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.

10 till 4pm

Anatomy and Physiology (1 hours)
Techniques Training/Practice (3 hours)

Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle (1 hours)
Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)

Session 14

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

With burning desire reflect upon and understand the self,  understand the sacred text and surrender all actions to God.
Yoga Sutra 2-1 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Yoga LifeStyle
How to live in a more yogic way and with the
eight limbs of yoga by your side.

Teaching Methodology

Principles of instruction and correcting.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.

6 Hours

Yoga Philosophy (1 hours)
Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)
Anatomy and Physiology (2 hours)
Techniques Training/Practice (1 hours)

Written Assignments:
Applying anatomy and physiology principles to yoga.

Anatomy and Physiology (1 hour)

Session 15

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Meditate profoundly on becoming completely absorbed to reduce afflictions.
Yoga Sutra 2-2 Audio mp3

Burning zeal and faith in practice removes impurities and enables 
the practitioner to gain the power necessary to control the senses.

Yoga Sutra 2-43 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques
Asanas, alignment and anatomy, teaching fundamentals,
pranayama and meditation.

Teaching Methodology

Various forms of instruction for different teaching styles.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.

6 Hours

Techniques Training/Practice (4 hours)
Yoga Philosophy (1 hours)
Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)

Session 16

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Afflictions causing disturbance are lack of spiritual awareness, misapprehension, ego, desire, passion, greed, hate, jealousy, attachment to life, fear, anxiety and sorrow.
Yoga Sutra 2-3 Audio mp3

A deeper happiness in gained when the practitioner is content.
Yoga Sutra 2-42 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Prenatal Yoga
Dedicated to dealing with Yoga and Pregnancy. Session cover different approaches to exercise and modifications for students who enter a yoga class while pregnant. Instructors are left with the ability to protect pregnant women and sequence classes designed to aid a woman through their pregnancy.

Special Guest and Expert (OBGYN) Dr Ted Denious

6 Hours

Anatomy and Physiology related to prenatal (2 hours)
Techniques Training/Practice (3 hours)
Yoga Philosophy (1 hours)

Session 17

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------
Some afflictions and their source remain hidden waiting to be awakened. This is due to a lack of spiritual awareness and ignorance. Others afflictions have bloomed and are fully active. 
Yoga Sutra 2-4 Audio mp3
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques

Teaching asanas sequences, alignment and anatomy.
Learning and teaching principles, pranayama and meditation.

Teaching Methodology
Includes: principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, the student's process of learning, and business aspects of teaching yoga.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.


6 Hours

Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)
Techniques Training/Practice (4 hours)

Yoga Philosophy (1 hours)

Session 18

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

For this one reason all that is seen must be perceived by the true self.
Yoga Sutra 2-21 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Understanding of soul in its pure luminosity becomes distinct and apart 
from the awareness and experience of pain and pleasure and our interest in  it. Restraint must once again be exercised to gain this knowledge of soul.

Yoga Sutra 3-36 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Then spiritual perception in hearing and sound, 
touch, sight, taste and smell become enhanced.
Yoga Sutra 3-37 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Powers that rise can be followed but will only act as obstacles in breaking 
down seperation and becoming completely absorbed in the source of life.

Yoga Sutra 3-38 Audio mp3
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques
Asanas, alignment and anatomy, teaching fundamentals,
pranayama and meditation.


Teaching Methodology
Based on improving instruction and demonstration abilities.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.

6 Hours

Techniques Training/Practice (4 hours)
Yoga Philosophy (1 hours)

Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)

Session 19

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------
Those who attain this perception of unity in nature 
are no longer bound to it. All others are.
Yoga Sutra 2-22 Audio mp3

A lack of true awareness will keep us bound to the needs and cravings of nature.
Yoga Sutra 2-24 Audio mp3

By severing the bonds of nature and remaining in 
union one reaches absolute freedom and emancipation.

Yoga Sutra 2-25 Audio mp3
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques

Teaching asanas sequences, alignment and anatomy.
Learning and teaching principles, pranayama and meditation.

Teaching Methodology

Includes: principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, the student's process of learning, and business aspects of teaching yoga.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.

6 Hours

Techniques Training/Practice (4 hours)

Yoga Philosophy (1 hours)
Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)

Session 20

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------
With devoted practice in these aspects of Yoga, impurities and 
obstacles are eliminated and true wisdom in its essence shines.

Yoga Sutra 2-28 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Anatomy & Physiology

Includes: Physical anatomy and physiology, and koshas. 
Energy anatomy chakras.  

Teaching Techniques

Teaching asanas sequences, alignment and anatomy.
Learning and teaching principles, pranayama and meditation.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.

6 Hours

Anatomy and Physiology (1 hours)
Yoga Philosophy (1 hours)
Techniques Training/Practice (3 hours)
Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)

Written Assignments:

Applying anatomy and physiology principles to yoga.

Anatomy and Physiology (2 hour)

Session 21


---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Happiness, steadiness and firmness must be felt in the sacred postures.
Yoga Sutra 2-46 Audio mp3

Passiveness is necessary for endurance when this infinite
art of form is practiced.
Yoga Sutra 2-47 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Anatomy & Physiology

Includes: Physical anatomy and physiology, and koshas. 
Energy anatomy chakras.

Teaching Methodology
Includes: principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, the student's process of learning, and business aspects of teaching yoga.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.


6 Hours

Anatomy and Physiology (4 hours)
Yoga Philosophy (1 hours)
Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)

Written Assignments:
Applying anatomy and physiology principles to yoga.

Anatomy and Physiology (1 hour)

Session 22

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

The mind becomes capable of concentration.
Yoga Sutra 2-53 Audio mp3

One then draws inwards removing oneself from external and internal 
distractions. The senses will no longer obstruct one from the path.
Yoga Sutra 2-54 Audio mp3

Then the highest level of controlling the senses is achieved.

Yoga Sutra 2-55 Audio mp3
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques

Teaching asanas sequences, alignment and anatomy.
Learning and teaching principles, pranayama and meditation.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.

6 Hours

Anatomy and Physiology (1 hours)
Techniques Training/Practice (5 hours)

Session 23

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------
yoga sutras
Concentration is focusing the mind on something and remaining fixed.
Yoga Sutra 3-1 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Meditation is moving closer to this without distraction.
Yoga Sutra 3-2 Audio mp3

yoga sutras Samadhi is becoming perfectly absorbed in stillness and 
union with that which is concentrated and meditated upon.
Yoga Sutra 3-3 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
The three merge into one. This is Samyama.
Yoga Sutra 3-4 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
When mastered a pure wisdom and insight surfaces 
in relation to that which has been absorbed.
Yoga Sutra 3-5 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
This mastery is developed gradually.
Yoga Sutra 3-6 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques

Teaching asanas sequences, alignment and anatomy.
Learning and teaching principles, pranayama and meditation.


Anatomy & Physiology

Includes: Physical anatomy and physiology, and koshas. 
Energy anatomy chakras.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.


6 Hours

Techniques Training/Practice (3 hours)
Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)
Anatomy and Physiology (2 hours)

Written Assignments:
Teaching Methodology - Teaching Techniques (1 hour).

Applying anatomy and physiology principles to yoga.

Anatomy and Physiology (1 hour)

Session 24


---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------
yoga sutras
These three aspects are internal compared with the others.
Yoga Sutra 3-7 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
But even this can be perceived as external in 
comparison to the seedless states of Samadhi.
Yoga Sutra 3-8 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Thoughts rise but are suppressed. Re-occurring thoughts and deeper impressions are also supressed and removed.The connection is made 
with the moment between. This is transformation through restraint.
Yoga Sutra 3-9 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Continual peace flows when these rising impressions are suppressed.
Yoga Sutra 3-10 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
With the restraint and continual effort on transformation the 
seedless states of profound meditation and absolute union occur.

Yoga Sutra 1-51 Audio mp3
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques

Teaching asanas sequences, alignment and anatomy.
Learning and teaching principles, pranayama and meditation.

Teaching Methodology

Includes: principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, the student's process of learning, and business aspects of teaching yoga.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.

6 Hours

Anatomy and Physiology (1 hours)
Techniques Training/Practice (4 hours)

Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)

Written Assignments:
Teaching Methodology - Teaching Techniques (1 hour).

Applying anatomy and physiology principles to yoga.

Anatomy and Physiology (1 hour)

Session 25

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Reflect upon the positive aspect of existence to remove the negative. 
Yoga Sutra 2-33 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
The many scattered thoughts slowly disappear, a one pointed mind emerges.  Consciousness is transforming into spiritual oneness with the source of life.
Yoga Sutra 3-11 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Again there is a rise and fall in and out of this state. It is similar to before. Action must be taken for consciousness to remain one pointed and for transformation to continue.
Yoga Sutra 3-12 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Then a visible transformation occurs in body and 
senses, character, behavior and actions.
Yoga Sutra 3-13 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Calmness is present in being but true potential has not yet manifested. 
The virtuous road must be closely followed and proper action followed.

Yoga Sutra 3-14 Audio mp3
---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques

Teaching asanas sequences, alignment and anatomy.
Learning and teaching principles, pranayama and meditation.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.

6 Hours
Techniques Training/Practice (4 hours)
Teaching Methodology (2 Hours)

Written Assignments:
Teaching Methodology - Teaching Techniques (1 hour).

Applying anatomy and physiology principles to yoga.

Anatomy and Physiology (1 hour)

Session 26

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------
Violence in thought, word or action, desire, greed, lust and anger, illusion, obsession,  suffering and fear all rise from ignorance and lack of true intellectual awareness.  They may affect us intensely, mildly or somewhere in-between and will continue to  do this until intervention takes place. Then positive uplifting states can be felt.
Yoga Sutra 2-34 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Proceeding will cause transformations that are quite apparent.
Yoga Sutra 3-15 Audio mp3

yoga sutra s
Knowledge of the past and future comes from the transformation caused 
by the merging of concentration, meditation and Samadhi.
Yoga Sutra 3-16 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Sound, meaning and feelings merge. Then the universal language of all beings is known.
Yoga Sutra 3-17 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Hidden and past impressions surface into consciousness. Everything about 
them becomes known. They may come from
experiences in life or beyond birth.

Yoga Sutra 3-18 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Yoga Ethics - Lifestyle

In order to write such a document, California Yoga Teachers Association, undertook research consisting of obtaining and studying various codes of conduct and codes of ethics from a wide variety of professions. They read, studied, and interviewed experts in the field of student-teacher relationships. These professional standards are a voluntary code which has been provided to all members of the yoga teaching world.

Chapter 8 is based on learning these wise fundamentals.

Based on the work and research by, the "California Yoga Teachers Association" (CYTA), a group of yoga teachers founded in 1973.

One of CYTA's projects was to develop a  Code of Professional Standards. Today that Code remains a model statement
of ethical standards for all yoga teachers.

6 Hours

Yoga Ethics (6 hours)

Session 27

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS --------------- Violence in thought, word or action, desire, greed, lust and anger, illusion, obsession,  suffering and fear all rise from ignorance and lack of true intellectual awareness.  They may affect us intensely, mildly or somewhere in-between and will continue to  do this until intervention takes place. Then positive uplifting states can be felt.
Yoga Sutra 2-34 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
A yogis actions are neither white nor black. 
Others fall under 3 tendencies.
Yoga Sutra 4-7 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Objects in nature remain real, but undergo changes 
due to the awareness of oneness caused by transformation.

Yoga Sutra 4-14 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Teaching Techniques
Measuring Class Effectiveness - The ability to measure the effectiveness of your classes is also essential in being able to understand and measure your teaching ability. Methods of measuring effectiveness include observing practitioner’s ability to follow your guidance, observing how quickly practitioners are able to flow freely through your classes with limited guidance, and having practitioners that gain the knowledge for self correction and self improvement.

Class Design and Exercises- Yoga classes prosper when time has been taken to plan out good safe yoga exercises routines that blend well throughout various parts of a yoga class and has safe alternatives for beginners.

Principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, instruction.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.

6 Hours
Techniques Training/Practice (5 hours)
Yoga Philosophy (1 hours)

Session 28

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------Violence in thought, word or action, desire, greed, lust and anger, illusion, obsession,  suffering and fear all rise from ignorance and lack of true intellectual awareness.  They may affect us intensely, mildly or somewhere in-between and will continue to  do this until intervention takes place. Then positive uplifting states can be felt.
Yoga Sutra 2-34 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Perfect freedom occurs when pure consciousness and the purity of soul become equal.
Yoga Sutra 3-56 Audio mp3


yoga sutras
Alone in our individuality we can measure 
and extend the auras of consciousness.
Yoga Sutra 4-4 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Freedom from unnecessary influence and impressions 
comes as a result of meditation.

Yoga Sutra 4-6 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Filming Review Final
Teachers are filmed for their finale.
Progress is observed and fundamentals
of continual progress is established.

It is these ingredients that allow a teacher trainee to
flourish in their coming years of teaching.

6 Hours

Practicum receiving feedback, observing others (5 hours)
Techniques Training/Practice (1 hours)

Written Assignments: Evaluation of Video 3 Taped Classes (1 hour)
*Practicum   (non contact 5)

Session 29

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS --------------- Violence in thought, word or action, desire, greed, lust and anger, illusion, obsession,  suffering and fear all rise from ignorance and lack of true intellectual awareness.  They may affect us intensely, mildly or somewhere in-between and will continue to  do this until intervention takes place. Then positive uplifting states can be felt.
Yoga Sutra 2-34 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
One may gain insightful knowledge from birth, herbs, drugs, 
intense spiritual practice, or profound meditation.
Yoga Sutra 4-1 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
A new state of life comes from the transformation 
in yoga. Nature's energy flows though us in abundance.

Yoga Sutra 4-2 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------


A conclusion that brings together course material and knowledge.


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.



6 Hours
Techniques Training/Practice (5 hours)
Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)

Session 30

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------
Violence in thought, word or action, desire, greed, lust and anger, illusion, obsession,  suffering and fear all rise from ignorance and lack of true intellectual awareness.  They may affect us intensely, mildly or somewhere in-between and will continue to  do this until intervention takes place. Then positive uplifting states can be felt.
Yoga Sutra 2-34 Audio mp3

Absolute absorption in unity is accomplished though surrender to God.
Yoga Sutra 2-45 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Consciousness cannot illuminate the self and perceive life simultaneously.
Yoga Sutra 4-19 Audio mp3

yoga sutras
Perceiving and comprehending do not occur in the same instant.

Yoga Sutra 4-20 Audio mp3

---------------- SUTRA IN FOCUS ---------------

Chakra Flow Alignment And Meditation

Includes: Physical anatomy and physiology, and koshas. 
Energy anatomy chakras.  


Various forms of Pranayama are studied and lightly practiced along
with principles of breathing the Ujjayi breath.

6 Hours

Techniques Training/Practice (5 hours)
Teaching Methodology (1 Hours)


Assignments 40 HOURS


Register Today for the Teacher Training!!!

Rates: $2550 Standard Registration

$2100 Early Registration

220 Hour Standards

*Yoga teaching Techniques Training/Practice (100 hours)
*Teaching Methodology (25 Hours) + (non contact 5)
*Anatomy and Physiology (20 hours) + (non contact 10)
*Practicum feedback, observing, teaching (15 hours)
+ (non contact 5)
*Yoga Philosophy, Lifestyle and Ethics (20 hours) + (non contact 20)

Contact hours 180 / minimum 40 non-contact

220 hour course covers the following topics:

Teaching Techniques

Includes Asanas, Pranayama, Kriyas, Mantra Meditation and traditional yoga - 100 hours
Peak at Course Material: Pranayama Courses By Mark Giubarelli
Yoga Sutras Covered By Mark Giubarelli.

Teaching Methodology

Includes: principles of demonstration, observation, assisting/correcting, instruction, teaching styles, qualities of a teacher, the student's process of learning, and business aspects of teaching yoga.
View Yoga Postures by Mark Giubarelli

Anatomy & Physiology

Includes: both human physical anatomy and physiology (bodily systems, organs, etc.)
and energy anatomy and physiology (chakras, nadis, etc). Includes the subject and application of a yoga practice,
how to flow and why, (benefits, contraindications, healthy movement patterns, etc).

Yoga Philosophy/Lifestyle and Ethics for Yoga Teachers

Includes: the study of yoga philosophies, yoga lifestyle, and ethics for yoga teachers.
A minimum of 2 contact hours spent on ethics for yoga teachers.


Includes: practice teaching, receiving feedback, observing others teaching and hearing/giving feedback.
Also includes assisting students while someone else is teaching.

See Many Of The Topics In More Detail

Teaching Beginners Yoga
Understanding Practitioners Ability
Stages of Learning Yoga
Teaching Milti-Level Yoga Classes

Motivation and from Adherence
The Art Of Cueing a yoga class

Class Design and Exercises

Making Classes Flow
Execute Proper Objectives During Class
Introducing Safe Variations
Prenatal Yoga
Measuring Class Effectiveness
Instructor Health
Ideal Yoga instructor
Teaching Quality Meditation and Relaxation  

Yoga Teacher Training - The Art Of Teaching

Read a manual by Mark Giubarelli on the Art Of Teaching Yoga.

If your currently a teacher learn how to polish your presentation and improve attendance. Yoga Teacher Training
loosely based on the online manual.

Feel confident with your ability to teach Yoga.

Learn some of the best yoga flows around.
Help to change lives and grow spiritually.
Increase your health and vitality.
Strengthen your body and increase flexibility.
Learn all about yoga breathing.
Learn to teach enchanting meditation to others.

Mark Giubarelli has taught thousands of yoga classes
and hundreds of Yoga teacher training's.
Join him and for some of the coolest yoga teacher trainings on the planet.

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