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Janu Srisasana

Enter this Asana with an exhalation. Try to bend all the way from the pelvis. Forward bends are sometimes done for longer to counter all the backbends in a sequence. Try to stretch the crown of the head towards the feet, at the same time extending the heel of the straight leg away from the body.

janu srisasana

janu srisasana
You can do this easier version with the hands supporting the upper bodies weight. Bend the elbow slightly from time to time to challenge the boundaries of the muscles.

For a deeper extension you can clasp the wrist beyond the extended foot.

Extend the heel out and stretch the tailbone the opposite way. There is a point of equilibrium around the knee. This is where forces begin to extend away from each other.

Stretch also through the crown of the head.

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Place some force between the palms and push the wrist below the pinky finger out towards the feet.

Open the elbows up to free the fluid movement (water element) around the neck.

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