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Virabhadrasana II

Step the legs apart and turn one leg 90 degrees to the other with both legs straight.

Extend the arms wide apart. Open and close the fingers a few times before remaining with the fingers either wide open or closed.

Then breathe out and bend the turned leg. Stopping when the knee is directly above the ankle. Make sure the sides of the foot, ankle and knee line up. Take the legs wider apart if the knee goes beyond the ankle.

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Be careful the spine does not move towards the bent leg. The spine should remain straight up and not tilt towards the leg. When this happens the lagging hip rises higher than the hip on the bent leg.

"This is viewing the anatomical body (Anamaya Kosa) with the intellectual body (Vijnamaya Kosa)."

Creating waves of movement flushes the nadis (lines in which energy travels). The flow of consciousness (Space element) is clean and penetrates deeper into the body.

The hip of the straight leg has a tendency to turn in slightly. This is dew to the muscles not being flexible enough. Be aware of this and apply a little force to the hip to turn it back out . The hips should be in line horizontally.

"If you apply to much force (the fire element) you will loose the harmony of the physiological body (Pranomaya Kosa)."

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