Winding Round Salutation

This vinyasa sequence was named Winding Round because of the way the arms move in circles like hands on a clock.

This Sun Salutation has a lovely blend of forward bends, back bends and spinal twists. It is a great sequence for back and hamstring flexibility. The quadriceps are also toned from the raised lunge.

The transitions make the return to Tadasana, the starting pose, natural and effortless.

Spinal twists are usually more enjoyable to enter after warming up. Try a few Sun Salutations without the spinal twist (reverse triangle) before introducing it. It is probably nicer to rest in the deep lunge for an inhalation and exhalation before continuing. This allows a deepening of the pose.

The deep lunge Anjaneyasana can aggravate a hypermobile sacrum as the gluteul muscles are pulled on one side.


The psoas (a large influential muscle from the lower back through the inside of the pelvis) pulls the lower spine down in Anjaneyasana because it lengthens when one leg is stretched back. This can compress the discs a little. Take care if you have a disc injury and enter lightly if at all.

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The first posture Tadasana with the hands placed together. For a moment think of the energy and pressure alone the inside and outside of the legs. Make sure it is even on both legs.

Inhale and stretch the arms up and back in a backbend. Always enter mild boundaries during backbends. When the body feels warmed up deepen. Remember Yoga is something that is designed to enhance health. Be kind to the delicate and wonderful vessel we call the body and it will always serve you well.

Exhale down into a forward bend. Enter a mild boundary when bending down the first few times and bend the knees if the hamstrings are not flexible. This will help to reduce the pull and strain on the lower back.

Inhale step the left leg back. If the inhalation is delayed a little a deeper breath can be taken during the transition. This is because the diaphragm is not so compressed and restricted.

Exhale back to Downward Dog. Pick the pinky fingers up for a moment so that the inner arms can take the force and weight of the body. A common mistake in Downward Dog is leaning on the outside of the palms and using only the outer arm muscles.

Inhale into a push up position ( Plank Pose). Stopping before the shoulders come directly over the hands can reduce the strain on the wrists. Engaging the fingers can also help in reducing the pressure in these joints.

Exhale down into Eight Limb Pose. You can also do Chaturangasana which is a little more challenging on the arms. I prefer Eight Limb Pose because it allows a little rest internally making it easier to inhale deeply into Cobra.

Inhale up into Cobra pose. Delay the inhalation when raising up so that the diaphragm has enough room to move. You will find it easier to take a deep breath.

Exhale back to Downward Dog. Try to apply an even force through the heels and up through the tailbone. These are opposing forces and one usually dominates overpowering the other negatively.

Inhale forward to plank once again. Come only half way if the wrists are easily aggravated or feel too much pressure. There is a lot of moves on the wrists during Sun Salutations be kind and caring to them.

Exhale back into Downward Dog and raise the left leg up. Holding the leg up and rotating is very healthy. Perhaps take a few breaths in this pose after flowing for some time. Align the hips horizontal or go for a more vertical alignment which makes it easier to raise the left leg higher. Both have a different effect on the muscles so perhaps you want to do both. Hips aligned horizontal is shown.

Inhale step the left leg forward. Try drawing the air in when the leg has passed the halfway point on the step forward. This will allow a deeper breath.

Exhale into Triangle pose. The left leg is sideways or slightly turned in and the right foot is pointed forward. Its good to practice this pose against the wall. It is easy to lean inward with the upper body which is a common mistake. However the version of Triangle leaning inward slightly may have benefits too.

Take a full breath in the pose or quickly inhale into Crescent Moon. It is quite nice to exhale as the first part of the pose is entered and then inhale and deepen into it fully.

Exhale into Reverse Triangle. This pose can be done with the leading leg bent. It is also easier with the hand on the inside of the leading leg rather than the outside.

Inhale with the unwinding motion into this raised lunge. The hands and arms are shown hip width apart. They can be in prayer position beside the chest or together. Experiment with variations it can add some spice to your practice.

Exhale hop forward with the back leg as the front leg (Left) is straightened. At the same time lean from the hips into a forward bend.

Inhale and raise up into a slight backbend. This will counter balance the forward bend done previously.

Exhale and return to Tadasana.

Yoga Posture tadasana

Salutation Pose

asana utanasana


Lunge Pose


Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Staff Pose
Adho Mukha Dandasana


Cobra pose</a>  Bhujangasana

Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Staff Pose
Adho Mukha Dandasana

Downward Dog
Eka Pada Adho Muka Svanasana

Yoga Posture trikonasana

Anjaneyasana lunge pose

Yoga Positions revolved side angle
Parivrtta Trikonasana

fish pose matsyasana
Virabhadrasana Variation

yoga position warrior 1

fish pose matsyasana
Moon Pose

Yoga Posture tadasana

Recommended Pranayama
Start with a little Kapalabhati Pranayama until the lungs fatigue then move into deep Ujjayi Pranayama for at least 5 minutes. Then begin a few Bhastrika pranayama to open blocked Prana energy channels then once again move into Ujjayi Pranayama and then Bhramari Pranayama

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