Twisted Side Winder Sun Salute (No 28)

Twisted Side Winder Sun Salute (No 28)

This Sun Salute is called the Twisted Side Winder because of the way the hand movements flow from Extended Side Angle into the version of Reverse Triangle (which would be called Side Reverse Triangle)Parsva Parivrtta Trikonasana.

The sequence then blends into Warrior 1 before entering a forward bend and then rising up into a variation of Warrior 1.

The version of Warrior 1 on the ball points of the toes (Lunge pose) is a little healthier for muscle balance. The way these postures bend together flows really well flowing up and down all the way back to standing. Simply put this sequence has a side stretch then spinal twist, opposite side stretch blended with the twist, then up , down, up again and down into the standing forward bend before returning to standing.



Stand in Tadasana.

Place the palms together in prayer positron.

(Tip! Feel a straight line from the heels to the top of the head and even beyond.)

Inhale into a backbend.

Tip! The backbend shown is very deep. It is healthier to enter a gentle backbend. If you engage the core (abdominals) the backbend feels like it suddenly stops after a certain point in the movement, much before what is shown, thus taking away some of the flow. From the belly and chest the distance is long. If you engage the core it cannot stretch because the muscles are tightened. So you may want to engage core and you may not. I like to just stretch straight up as long as possible even though this is not shown.

Exhale down into a forward bend.


Inhale and step the right leg back.

You can start on any side. I just prefer to start by stepping the right leg back.



Exhale back to Downward Dog Pose


Quite often the head is tilted down which stretches neck and trapezius muscles. Most of the time I like to lengthen from the tailbone to the top of the head rather than dipping the top of the head down to the mat but the neck muscles are stetchee well when you take the head down.


Inhale forward to Plank Pose which is often called Downward Facing Staff Pose.

Make yourself strong like a staff from the heels to the top of the head.

Bring the knees down as you start to exhale.

Exhale into Eight Limb Pose.

Most people prefer to come down without the use of the knees. This is a really nice transition that strengthens the arms but does not put unnecessary pressure on the wrists. To many things strain the wrists in yoga even with all the tips and tricks. Take every opportunity to protect them.

Inhale into Cobra pose.

You can look up, forward or down. They all have benefits.

Exhale back to Downward Dog Pose

(Inhale release out of Downward Dog then flow back Exhaling to One Leg Downward Dog. Then inhale and step the left leg forward.)

Inhale step the left leg forward into a lunge pose.

Look forward. Use the ball points of the hands or the fingertips if you need a little extra support.

Exhale and rotate the back leg externally bringing the heel down to the mat. At the same time take a large circular sweeping motion with the arm and stop when it is diagonally out.

Turn and look up as you do the transition. If looking straight up causes neck pain just turn until your neck feels mild strain. This will prevent the neck muscles from straining or becoming imbalanced from overstretching.

Inhale as you come out of the Extended Side Angle pose.

Rotate the right arm down and continue the rotation with the other arm.

Stretch the left arm straight up for a moment, pause and begin your exhalation, and then continue the rotation until the arm stretches out sideways.

If you cannot place the hand down on the outside of the foot with the leg straight try a little bend in the leg. Your hamstrings will still stretch but not overstretch and you will be able to breathe easier.

The hand is shown on the outside of the left leg. It can also be placed on top of the foot or ankle or on the inside of the leg so that breathing is easier. It is quite hard to breathe in spinal twists especially if you are not flexible.


Inhale and unwind the arm backward and bend the left knee at the same time. Interlock the fingers and stretch the arms up into Warrior 1.

For a more challenging position with the arms try placing the palms together without them being interlocked. If the shoulders are not flexible performing prayer position with the hands will make breathing harder.

Exhale and hop the right leg forward a little while straightening the left leg. At the same time lean forward and down.

Interlock the hands behind the back.
You can also keep them open.

Inhale and bend the left knee while you raise the upper body. Open the arms shoulder width apart and open the fingers to flare the energy.

Tip! Bending the left knee first will result in a much easier transition than raising the upper body first. Try beginning with bending the knee and allow the momentum to trigger the upper body lift even if it's only a split second before.

Exhale and step forward into a standing forward bend.

There is an easier and safer way to do this transition than simply stepping all the way forward in one giant step. Try a quick half step as it is much safer and still flows well.

Exhale into Tadasana with the hands in prayer position.

Perform the same sequence on the opposite leg.

Yoga Posture Tadasana

Salutation Pose

asana utanasana

Lunge Pose

Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Staff Pose
Adho Mukha Dandasana


chaturanga dandasana
Chaturanga Dandasana


Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Lunge Pose

Extended Side Angle


Yoga Positions revolved side angle
Parivrtta Trikonasana

yoga position warrior 1



asana utanasana

Salutation Pose

Yoga Posture Tadasana

Yoga Breathing Techniques

This Months Yoga Breathing Exercises.

Yoga Meditation

This months meditation
Self Illumination Meditation
for at least 15 minutes


Self Illumination meditation
For at least 15 minutes

by Mark Giubarelli

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