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Scorpion Sun Salute (No 29)

Scorpion Sun Salute (No 29)

This Sun Salute flow moves through a deep backbend called Scorpion pose. It is a Sun Salute that is done after the back is warmed up and fully opened.

Scorpion pose is an old pose that was named because of the way a Scorpions tail stands up and curls. It was often performed as a symbol of the yoga practitioner conquering the need to satisfy sex, lust and passion. These human attributes have often been seen as obstacles in the path to enlightenment on the spiritual path. (It is however good to be passionate about your practice and spiritual progress.)

After the backbend Cat Flow is performed to balance the back muscles. It is nice to do this flow to stabilize and balance the spine after any deep backbend.

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Stand in Tadasana.

Place the palms together in prayer position.

(Tip! Think of lines of energy from the toes up through the front of the body to the chin and from he heels up the back of the body to the top of the neck.)

Inhale into a backbend.

Tip! Always try to raise yourself high upwards so that you do not compress the spine. The upper body is quite heavy and a lot of weight falls upon the lower back.

Exhale down into a forward bend.


The hands can also be placed down.

The body often sways forward when you lean forward so lean back towards the heels on the way down.

Inhale and step the right leg back.

You can start on any side. I just prefer to start by stepping the right leg back.



Exhale back to Downward Dog Pose.


Quite often the head is tilted down which stretches neck and trapezius muscles.

Sometimes you want to leave space under the neck for energy flow. Don't tilt the head down if you want to allow this.

Inhale forward to Plank Pose which is often called Downward Facing Staff Pose.

Bring the knees down as you start to exhale.





Exhale into Eight Limb Pose.

Most people prefer to come down without the use of the knees. This is a really nice transition that strengthens the arms but does not put unnecessary pressure on the wrists. So many things strain the wrists in yoga even with all the tips and tricks. Take every opportunity to protect them.

Inhale into Cobra pose.

You can look up, forward or down. They all have benefits.

This is a good preparation for the Scorpion pose. Perhaps you want to hold it until the back feels really open.

Exhale back to Child pose.

Open the knees if you want a bit more space around the belly chakra.

It is nice to balance the Cobra backbend with a child pose. you can do this in any of the Sun Salutations .

Inhale while drawing the hands back to the body. Clasp the fingers and place the elbows about shoulder width apart.

Place the head down on the mat with the back of the head being placed into the clasped palms.

Walk the legs forward a bit.

Exhale and kick up into the headstand.

Inhale while in the headstand.

Exhale while you carefully lift your head off the mat with the use of your arm strength.

Bend the knees and open them taking the feet towards the head while bending the spine.

Inhale while in the pose.

Exhale and slowly come down. Place the knees down.


Inhale and raise the arms up.


Exhale and place the arms down in front of you. Raise the spine up stretching it the opposite way of the backbend.

Inhale and bend the spine the opposite way. You can flow like this as many times as you want.


Exhale back to Downward Dog Pose

Inhale step the left leg forward.

Exhale into a standing forward bend.

Inhale and raise the arms up.

Exhale into Tadasana with the hands in prayer position.

Yoga Posture Tadasana


asana utanasana

Lunge Pose

Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Staff Pose
Adho Mukha Dandasana


cobra pose Bhujangasana

Balasana child pose

Janu Sirsasana yoga pose
Sraddha Vrischikasana

Virasana Hero Pose

cat pose flow
Cat Flow

Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Lunge Pose

asana utanasana


Yoga Posture tadasana

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