Aspects of Yoga Teachers to help motivate students by Mark Giubarelli

measuring class effectiveness is essential in analysing how good your classes truly are in relationship to the practitioner audience who have been presented with. Measuring class effectiveness is tricky because there are many aspects to measure and even then these can be meaningless when you consider how someone has received the classes. For instance a class may not be effective in strengthening muscles and may be dangerous but if the practitioners have an enjoyable experience and perceive it to be effective then a major aspect of teaching an effective class has been accomplished even if it truly has not.

What we are aiming for is teaching highly effective classes that people perceive to be highly effective and I truly effective in many ways.

Learn how to target muscle strength endurance and flexibility in many different ways so that you can keep your class is fresh and prevent practitioners from getting bored.

Monitor the practitioners responds to exercise during the class and their facial expressions, ability to follow a sequence and their breathing.

You can also monitor how they responded after the class such as the next day. When you see them again asking them how they responded to the previous class and investigating how the muscles responded and how their back responded, the recovery time for the muscles and more. Learning how people respond to your class greatly helps you to sculpt a perfect class. Sculpt classes run the majority of the people attending for the best response.

Make an effort to understand your how practitioners experience your class in a mental, physical and emotional way. Well rounded classes that appeal to everybody are ideal. Investigate, research, continue to grow and knowledge, experiment carefully monitor the response of practitioners so that your class can reach a state of excellence in the ability to challenge all those who attend in a perfect way.

Instructors that continually seek to improve class effectiveness reach states of excellence in teaching ability and teaching effectiveness. Therefore continue to seek the most effective and safest ways to tournament stretched muscle groups and bring balance to the human body.

See Mark Teaching - Mark Giubarelli

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