Surya Namaskara

Surya Namaskara is an ancient way to begin the day with the worship of the sunrise. This page is dedicated to ancient prayer flows to and deep appreciation for each day.

Half Lotus Headstand Scorpion Salute (No 38)

This Salute to the Sun flows through the headstand and many of its variations. The transitions involve large circular motions with the legs which stretches them well on the insides.

The Headstand flow enters the Half Lotus, while in the headstand, with one leg straight up then flows into a diamond shape with the legs before entering a mild Scorpion pose.

After such a deep back bend (even when its done lightly) the flow then moves into a brief Hero pose then into a Cat flow to create good circulation in the lower back.

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Yoga Breathing Techniques

Perform Ujjayi Pranayama.
Stage 3
Inhale and restrict the air flow to make the sound "sssss". Keep the sound constant and smooth.Exhale make a sound with the mouth closed that sounds like "hhhhha".

Don't hold the breath yet just warm up and work on smooth sound when inhaling and exhaling. Work on the changes in breath becoming smoother and longer also. This occurs when the breath crosses from inhalations to exhalations and exhalations to inhalations.
Download the Ujjayi Pranayama mp3

Do this for at least 5 minutes.

Then progress towards holding after the inhalation and then the exhalation as well.
Inhale restrict the air flow to make the sound "sssss". Keep the sound constant and smooth.

Pause at the top of the breath (antara kumbhaka).
Exhale and make the sound "hhhha" keeping the sound constant and smooth.
Pause at the bottom of the breath (bahya kumbhaka).
Ujjayi Pranayama mp3

Then perform Surya Bhedana pranayama.
This is a type of breath that occurs through the Sun channel in the body, Surya meaning Sun.

Stage 2 - Surya Bhedana nostril. (Puraka)
Hold after inhalation. The first few times hold for a few seconds. Gradually increase the duration of the time after inhalation. (Antara Kumbhaka)

Exhale out through the left nostril. Allow the exhalation to be longer than the inhalation.
Surya Bhedana mp3

Do this breath as for as long as it takes to feel open through the energy flow that the breath takes. Look for blockages and remove them as you perform this pranayama. They can be opened by creating more space or by thinking the flow open with the conscious mind but first the flow of air and energy must be understood by continual observation and practice.

by Mark Giubarelli

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