Flying Warrior 3 Sun Salute (No 39)

This Sun Salute is called Flying Warrior 3 because of the version of Warrior 3 with the arms out. When the balancing leg is relaxed a feeling of flying is experienced. This requires confidence and skill.

A lot of hip movement in this sequence allows the hips to open and become free. It not only stretches many of the hip muscles but also works leg flexibility and strength.

Sun Salutation No 39

Some tips and tricks for this flow.
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Stand in Tadasana.

Place the palms together. It feels more sacred and that is what this art is about.

(Tip! Spread your toes open a few times to gain insight and better grip.)



Inhale into a backbend.

(Tip! The backbend shown is quite deep. It is healthier to enter a gentle backbend.)


Exhale into a forward bend.

Tip! Lean slightly back on the way down. This will balance the natural tilt forward caused by the bodies mass.




Inhale and step the right leg back.

(Tip! Delay the inhalation or just Inhale slightly at the beginning of the motion into this pose.)



into One Leg Downward Dog

Take energy from the earth and send it through the leg.

Inhale forward into Pigeon Pose with support.

Be careful as you place the knee down. It can be dangerous on the joint when it is twisted and bent.

and lower your body down.

Try to place the forehead down.

and raise up into the open arm version of Pigeon pose.

Keep the hands down if you are not very flexible or have an injury that may be aggravated.

Stay for a few breaths if you like.

Place the hands back down.

to One Leg Downward Dog.

Open the hip up sideways for a bit of a variation this time.

Inhale step the left leg forward.

This is a large distance for the leg to cover in the transition. The inhalation can be challenging. Take an extra breath if you need to.

Exhale and hop forward. This does not have to be done in one motion. If you hop halfway forward from the lunge pose first the transition is much easier.

Raise the right leg up and open the arms sideways. I prefer this version of Warrior 3.



Inhale into Half Moon pose.


It may be easier to place both arms down and then transition.

A little bend of the supporting leg during the transition makes the whole movement easier.

Exhale into a standing forward bend.

If you bend the knees and enter this transition it is also smoother.

Inhale into Chair Pose.

Tip! Try inhaling halfway up then exhaling into the pose fully if doing the transition with one breath seems too hard.

Exhale into Tadasana with the hands in prayer position.

Yoga Posture Tadasana

Salutation Pose

asana utanasana

Lunge Pose

Downward Dog
Eka Pada Adho Muka Svanasana

Yoga Positions Kapotasana
Salamba Kapotasana

Downward Facing Kapotasana
Adho Muka Kapotasana

Yoga Posture Kapotasana

Downward Dog
Eka Pada Adho Muka Svanasana

Lunge Pose

Yoga Posture Warrior 2

yoga position half moon
Ardha Chandrasana

asana utanasana

chair pose utkatasana

Yoga Posture Tadasana

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