Triangle Circles Sun Salutation (No 09)

This Sun Salutation opens up the side of the body as well as opening the shoulders when the arm is rotating.

The Quadriceps, gluteus muscles and lower back are also strengthened.

These postures are quite easy to perform making this a good beginning flow. Add yoga postures once you have performed this flow a few times.

Winding the arms backwards one time will give you momentum and proper you into Warrior 1. It is nice to do motions that allow you to flow into the next pose.




Stand in Tadasana.








Inhale into a backbend.

Exhale into a forward bend.








Inhale and step the right leg back.








Exhale into Downward Dog.






Inhale forward into Plank Pose







  Exhale into Eight Limb Pose.

Inhale into Cobra pose.

Exhale into Locust pose.

Inhale into Cobra pose. This time look up.

Exhale into Downward Dog Pose

, Adho Mukha Svanasana.

Inhale forward a little for momentum.

Exhale and raise the left leg up and back. This is One Leg Downward Dog.

Its nice to go for a straight line of energy through the arms and up through the leg and feet..The toes are pointed for a lifting energy.

The left leg can be tilted up for a deeper raise and greater groin stretch. The weight will shift to the right arm when this is performed.

Take a breath up there and exhale on the way forward with the leg if you prefer.

If you can master inhaling on the way forward with the left leg you will not need to take an extra inhalation in the previous pose.

Exhale into Triangle pose.
Begin to rotate the arm many times to open the shoulder muscles and side of the body.

Inhale and raise the arms up into Warrior 1 Pose.

Look at the closeness of the legs. For many years I practiced this pose in a very wide stance. It is much nicer with the legs closer together. Better energy flows up the right leg.

Exhaleback into a standing forward bend.          

Inhale raise up and stretch the torso in a backbend (mild if your back is very stiff or you have an injury.





Exhale into Tadasana with the hands in prayer position.

Perform the same sequence on the opposite leg. If you like you can vary the headstand sequence each time or simple perform the same one.

Yoga Posture tadasana

Salutation Pose

asana utanasana




Lunge Pose





Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Staff Pose
Adho Mukha Dandasana


chaturanga dandasana
Chaturanga Dandasana



  Yoga Posture Samabhasana




Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Dog
Eka Pada Adho Muka Svanasana

Lunge Pose

Yoga Posture trikonasana

yoga position warrior 1

asana utanasana

Salutation Pose

Yoga Posture tadasana

Yoga Breathing Techniques

Perform Ujjayi Pranayama.
Stage 3
Inhale and restrict the air flow to make the sound "sssss". Keep the sound constant and smooth. Exhale make a sound with the mouth closed that sounds like "hhhhha".

Don't hold the breath yet just warm up and work on smooth sound when inhaling and exhaling. Work on the changes in breath becoming smoother and longer also. This occurs when the breath crosses from inhalations to exhalations and exhalations to inhalations.
Download the Ujjayi Pranayama mp3

Do this for at least 5 minutes.

Then progress towards holding after the inhalation and then the exhalation as well.
Inhale restrict the air flow to make the sound "sssss". Keep the sound constant and smooth.

Pause at the top of the breath (antara kumbhaka).
Exhale and make the sound "hhhha" keeping the sound constant and smooth.
Pause at the bottom of the breath (bahya kumbhaka).
Ujjayi Pranayama mp3

Stage 2 - Visamavrtti Pranayama

The second breathing technique has a ratio of 1:2:1:½ gradually introducing retention after exhalation. (example 4 second ratio minimum requirement.)

Inhale for 4 seconds.

Hold for 8 seconds.

Exhale for 4 seconds.

Hold for 2 seconds.

Total time for one Visamavrtti breath is 36 seconds. (Reduce  if this timing causes strain or increase if you perform with ease.)

Work up to a ratio of 1:3:2:1 then 1:4:2:1. (example 4 second ratio.)

Inhale for 4 seconds.

Hold for 12 seconds.

Exhale for 8 seconds.

Hold for 4 seconds.

Total time for one Visamavrtti breath is 40 seconds.

 Visamavrtti Pranayama mp3

Ujjayi Pranayama

Stage 10
Inhale restrict the air flow to make the sound "sssss". Keep the sound constant and smooth.

Pause at the top of the breath (antara kumbhaka).

Exhale and make the sound "hhhha" keeping the sound constant and smooth.

Pause at the bottom of the breath (bahya kumbhaka).

Ujjayi Pranayama mp3

Do this breath as for as long as it takes to feel open through the energy flow that the breath takes. Look for blockages and remove them as you perform this pranayama. They can be opened by creating more space or by thinking the flow open with the conscious mind but first the flow of air and energy must be understood by continual observation and practice.

by Mark Giubarelli

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