Surya Namaskara

Surya Namaskara is an ancient way to begin the day with the worship of the sunrise. This page is dedicated to ancient prayer flows to and deep appreciation for each day.

Flowing Warrior 1 Sun Salute (No 16)

This Sun Salutation flow shows a side stretch (Extended Side Angle) and spinal twist (Reverse Triangle) then a Warrior 1 flow that strengthens the quadriceps with a repetition into and out of the pose.
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surya namaskar



Stand in Tadasana.

Place the palm together. It feels more sacred and that is what this art is about.

(Tip! Feel a straight line from the heels to the top of the head and even beyond.)



Inhale into a backbend.

(Tip! The backbend shown is quite deep. It is healthier to enter a gentle backbend.)

Exhale into a forward bend.

(Tip! Delay the inhalation or just inhale slightly at the beginning of the motion into this pose.)





Inhale and step the right leg back.

into Downward Dog.

Inhale forward into Plank Pose

Bring the knees down. Bring them down gently.

Exhale into Eight Limb Pose.

The feet, hands, chest and chin all touch down.

Inhale into Cobra pose.

Exhale into Locust pose.

Inhale into Cobra. This time look up.

Exhale back to Downward Dog Pose

Inhale release out of Downward Dog then flow back inhaling to One Leg Downward Dog.

Inhale step the left leg forward.

Exhale turn the right leg sideways placing the heel down. Stretch the right arm diagonally out.

Inhale and continue to hold.

(You can take a few breaths in this pose.)

Exhale into Reverse Triangle. The left leg straightens, the right arm comes down and left arm stretches up. It is also better to place the right arm to the inside of the left leg and if a block isn't available come onto your fingertips.

(Take a few breaths in this pose if you like.)

Bend the left knee a little if the hamstrings are not very flexible. This will allow an easier pose and breathing will be better. (Work on flexible hamstrings though.)

Inhale into Warrior 1 pose.
(If you want the back foot to be flat on your mat try stepping it forward.)

Inhale and raise the arms up.

Exhale into Tadasana with the hands in prayer position.

Perform the same sequence on the opposite leg. If you like you can vary the headstand sequence each time or simple perform the same one.

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Yoga Posture tadasana
Yoga Posture tadasana

Salutation Pose

Yoga Posture tadasana
asana utanasana

Yoga Posture tadasana

Lunge Pose

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Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Yoga Posture tadasana

Downward Facing Staff Pose
Adho Mukha Dandasana
Yoga Posture tadasana


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Yoga Posture tadasana

 Cobra pose Bhujangasana

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Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

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Downward Dog
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Lunge Pose

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Extended Side Angle

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Parivrtta Trikonasana

Yoga Posture tadasana

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Yoga Posture tadasana

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Yoga Posture tadasana

Salutation Pose

Yoga Posture tadasana

Yoga Posture tadasana

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