Surya Namaskara

Surya Namaskara is an ancient way to begin the day with the worship of the sunrise. This page is dedicated to ancient prayer flows to and deep appreciation for each day.

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Stand in Tadasana.

Place the palm together. It feels more sacred and that is what this art is about.

(Tip! Feel a straight line from the heels to the top of the head and even beyond.)



Inhale into a backbend.

(Tip! The backbend shown is quite deep. It is healthier to enter a gentle backbend.)


Exhale into a forward bend.







Inhale and step the right leg back.

straighten the right leg as much as possible.

Inhale and bend the leg again. Repeat this motion a number of times entering light boundaries to begin with.

and place the left knee down and stretch the left hip. Begin to flow up and down with the upper body using the arms as aid.  Sway the hips form side to side as you do this as it will open them more.

Hold up there and open the arms out. Try to feel your heart opening. Overstretching will result in the heart chakra being supressed.

Inhale slowly stretching the arms up and round. When they pass the shoulders place the palms together briefly in  prayer position before taking them down in front of you.

Exhale raise up and back to One Leg Downward Dog.

Inhale and step the left leg forward.

Exhale and raise the right leg in Half Moon pose. Once in the pose raise the right leg up and down just a short distance to provoke deeper muscle toning and blood flow.

Bend the left knee during the transition.

Inhale forward into Chair Pose.

Exhale into Tadasana with the hands in prayer position.

Perform the same sequence on the opposite leg. If you like you can vary the headstand sequence each time or simple perform the same one.
Yoga Posture tadasana
Yoga Posture tadasana
Yoga Posture tadasana

Salutation Pose

Yoga Posture tadasana
asana utanasana

Yoga Posture tadasana

Lunge Pose

Yoga Posture tadasana
Yoga Posture Kapotasana

Yoga Posture tadasana
Downward Dog
Eka Pada Adho Muka Svanasana

Yoga Posture tadasana

Lunge Pose

Yoga Posture tadasana
yoga position half moon
Ardha Chandrasana

Yoga Posture tadasana
chair pose utkatasana
Yoga Posture tadasana
Yoga Posture tadasana

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