Surya Namaskara

Surya Namaskara is an ancient way to begin the day with the worship of the sunrise. This page is dedicated to ancient prayer flows to and deep appreciation for each day.

Cobra Waves Sun Salute (No 25)

This Sun Salute enters Cobra 3 times in flowing wave like motions. The deep lunge pose really stretches the hip and gluteus muscles. If you have a condition in this area you may want to be careful and not too forceful.

Cobra Pose Tips
The entrances into Cobra shown in the video are a little fast. When you perform this sequence you may want to do them slower.

It is quite hard to take a long slow breath when entering Cobra as the muscles used for the entrance often interfere with the inhalation reducing the intake of air.

It is nice to hold a Cora pose for a little while before flowing in and out of it fast. This way the muscles and ligaments get a chance to open up preventing injury or aggravation in your lower back.
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Stand in Tadasana.

Place the palms together in prayer position.

(Tip! Tuck your sacrum in slightly and pull the navel up a little. Don't do it too much through. It is an awful tendency of many practitioners in this day and age as it spoils the breath. Just enough force to lift the discs so the do not compress.)


Inhale into a backbend.

(Tip! The backbend shown is quite deep. It is healthier to enter a gentle backbend.)


Exhale into a forward bend.

The hands are shown wrapped around the legs. You may want to place them down on the mat instead. On the fingertips may be a better idea.




Inhale and step the right leg back.

The knee is shown slightly dropped. This allows you to achieve more of a lift in the chest. It also gives you a little momentum for the step back into Downward Dog.

into Downward Dog.

Glance down at the position of your feet to make sure they are equally aligned.

Inhale forward into Plank Pose.

Sometimes the fingers are pressed down so that wrist muscles are engaged and a little lift is given to these poor little compressed joints in the wrists. Experiment so that the wrists are not strained.

and lower down.

Inhale into Cobra pose .

Look up for a deeper stretch along the front of the body. This is not Upward Dog pose because the legs a still on the mat.

Exhale back to Downward Dog Pose.

Remember to tuck the navel in slightly at the beginning of the motion. It keeps space in the lower back and prevents discs from being compressed.

Inhale into Cobra pose once again.

Naturally the outer muscles in the arms are used more than the inner arms. Always try to use all of the muscles in the arms when performing postures that require arm muscles.

Exhale back to Downward Dog Pose once again.

Inhale into Cobra pose for a third time.

The legs are open so that the sacrum is not forced upward. This gives more space for movement in the lower back and allows a deeper backbend.

Exhale back to One Leg Downward Dog pose.

Point your toes for more length and greater lift.

Inhale and step the left leg forward.

This is a hard and vigorous transition. The breath often stops suddenly because of the muscles being used around the diaphragm.


Exhale for the first part of the transition.

Try to get into the pose on the exhalation. This may be hard. Close enough is good. It's all about being relaxed during the transition and removing any tightness or tension.

Inhale into the lunge with the arms above the head.

Look up Slightly.

Straighten the right leg and hop the left leg forward as you lean forward and down with the upper body.

Interlock the hands behind the back.

Inhale and stretch up with the upper body.

Interlock the hands for a deeper stretch that does not interfere with the breath so much.

Exhale into Tadasana with the hands in prayer position.

Perform the same sequence on the opposite leg.

Yoga Posture Tadasana

Salutation Pose

asana utanasana


Lunge Pose

Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Staff Pose
Adho Mukha Dandasana


Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana


Downward Facing Dog pose
Adho Mukha Svanasana


Downward Dog
Eka Pada Adho Muka Svanasana

Lunge Pose

Anjaneyasana lunge pose


fish pose matsyasana

Yoga Posture Tadasana

Yoga Breathing Techniques

This Months Yoga Breathing Exercises.

Yoga Meditation

Mantra Meditation
Mantra Meditation
Focus on a mantra that lets you feel peaceful.
This is a small sentence that is repeated continuously.

Do the peace Mantra for 10 minutes modifying it for the best response within.

Begin a mantra for joy repeating word of happiness for another 10 minutes.


Self Illumination meditation
For at least 15 minutes

by Mark Giubarelli

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