Fire is usually needed around the hips to align them. The lagging hip rolls round so that it is horizontally in line with the leading hip.

The diaphragm and the chest are not suppressed so the element of air flows freely.

Water movement is not too restricted in this posture. Be careful that the neck is not restricting water to the head.

Stretch the skin on the palms out to bring the mind and tension into the muscles under the arm.

Balance the forces from one arm to the other so that equal force is applied to the extension in both directions. Once balanced link the forces from the lagging leg to the leading hand and the leading leg to the lagging hand. When there is a balance of force in both these directions allow a force to move through the spine and up through the head. This raises the element of air between the discs. Be careful not to use too much fire in causing the forces. It may restrict the element of air.

The movements of the ether element are very fast. It seems as if they are almost instant. When balancing these forces we need the calculation of intelligence. We could say this occurs in Vijnanamayakosa.